Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sophia Fahs

Our guest today was Sophia Lyon Fahs.  As a teacher, writer, editor, and advocate, Sophia Lyon Fahs (1876-1978) helped to revolutionize American children's religious education—and played a major role in what is often called the "Unitarian renaissance" of the 1940s.  She believed children had the capacity to ask big religious questions, and to begin to understand big religious concepts.  Largely because of her influence, Unitarian religious education moved from a model of memorizing religious doctrine, to exploring religious questions together.  Sophia recognized the power of children's creativity, and used their own curiosity as much as possible in designing religious education experiences for children.

Our children explored their creativity today by creating a fort and other objects from cardboard.  On their own the came up with the list of rules posted on the fort.  I think Sophia would be proud!

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