Sunday, May 18, 2014

End of the Year and Open House

Today our classes had their last sessions of the school year.  We reviewed our learning from the year, and prepared for the open house after the service.  The children and youth were very proud to show off what they have done this year.
Treasure Hunters helping with the bulletin board display

Explorers finishing their bottle cap mural

The preschool class enjoyed extra playground time . . 

. . . and the toddlers enjoyed our brand new play kitchen!

Those who visited the youth room made a web, learning that we are all connected
(notice the aliens made by the youth on the table in the center)

The preschool class shared some of their favorite stories with their parents.

The Explorer's class mural, nearly complete!

Visitors enjoyed seeing the books the Treasure Hunters have read this year . . 

. . . and their very own picture book, created from all the lessons and activities throughout the year..
A big thank you to all of this year's teachers.  It's been a terrific year!


Ellie Peterson said...

The bottle cap mural is awesome! wow!

Daniel, Lisa and Owen said...

The chalice mural is simply fantastic! And yay for a new play kitchen!