Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Off to a Great Start!

Our classes for children and youth are off to a great start!  The Explorer's class talked about some of the different things we do at our church.  Two things we do are learn together and worship together.  As part of learning about worship, the Explorers wrote new chalice lighting words to be used in their class each week.

Explorers also made special candle holders that were used in a mini-worship at the end of class, and then taken home for personal or family chalice lightings.

The middle school youth group made personal aliens as part of their first Quest of the year.

Throughout the year, part of their challenge will be to explain what Unitarian Universalism is and what their personal beliefs are to their alien.

The Discovery class heard a story about our seven principles and the flaming chalice.  We make promises to one another (our principles) to help us all be in community together and to help us to be our best selves.

The Treasure Hunters class made cardboard houses representing each person's individuality.  Check our our village of individuals!

Ways to extend the learning at home:

Light a family chalice at dinner time or another special time each day.  
Here are some resources for chalice lightings for younger children and for youth.  Or write your own.
If you don't have a family chalice, consider making your own.  

Talk about our first principle:  The inherent worth and dignity of every person (Red Promise:  Respect All People).  Why is it important to respect to everyone?  When can this be difficult?  What can we do to remind ourselves that each person is worthy of respect?

1 comment:

Daniel, Lisa and Owen said...

I got goosebumps reading the Explorer's new chalice lighting. That is really beautiful. What a remarkable group of individuals!