Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fun on Father's Day

Our classrooms were busy places this past Sunday!  The nursery children enjoyed time reading stories and playing inside . . . 

 . . . then took a field trip out to the playground to enjoy the beautiful weather!

They enjoyed climbing . . . 

. . . . sliding . . . .

 . . . . exploring . . . .

. . . and just hanging out enjoying the sunshine.

The youth group explored their poetic side today.

They worked together to create group poems, each person adding a line without knowing what the others had written.

The results were entertaining.

The Discovery class heard a story about how some species of animals depend on one another, then made puppets to act out those relationships.

Children also enjoyed playing with blocks . . .

. . . painting, play-dough, and music.

The Elementary class went outside to play an active game of "Life and Death in the Forest."

Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores searched for food and water . . .

. . . and tried their best to survive being caught by predators!

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