Throughout the months of January and February, our elementary school age children will be talking about Jesus' teachings about justice and compassion. This past Sunday, the Explorers class learned how Jesus taught that we could bring about the Kingdom of God by being our best selves, and in so doing, help to create an ideal world. The children brainstormed together what an ideal community or society would look like. The drawing above is part of their brainstorm.
At today's Lighthouse Chapel worship, we continued to explore the themes of justice and compassion. Honoring the work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who also sought to bring about an ideal society, with justice and compassion for all.
The play "The Dog and the Heartless King" from today's Lighthouse Chapel worship. |
Many Unitarian Universalists celebrate the month between today and Valentine's Day as thirty days of love. The Standing on the Side of Love campaign shares resources each year for individuals and congregations to work for justice and compassion. This year, Thirty Days of Love offers tangible resources to celebrate the words and deeds of unsung heroes and to continue the effort to promote equality, acceptance, diversity, and inclusion. Thirty Days is an exciting opportunity to support the emerging and ongoing racial justice organizing happening in Unitarian Universalist congregations across the country, in the tradition of organizing for civil and human rights and in support of the growing Movement for Black Lives.
Learn more, or sign up here:
Another excellent resource for exploring themes of justice and compassion is Common Converse, a place where individuals and groups can access tools they’ll love to do the fun and inspiring work of digging deeper.Thematic modules focus on big ideas, using a variety of different tools. Different learning styles, lifestyles and philosophies require different methods, so we have developed a range of tools. You'll find a wealth of resources on their Facebook page here:
Download their first workbook for free here:
Finally, a blog post on talking with your kids about race and racism by Jessica York, Director of the Faith Development Office of the Unitarian Universalist Association
I hope you and your family will celebrate thirty days of love, in whatever way is meaningful to you. Continue the conversations we are having at church about what it means to love others, and to work for justice and compassion in the world. Join us for a mini retreat on January 30 from 3-5 p.m. to make valentines and cookies as symbols of love for others. And come celebrate with us in the Lighthouse on February 14, at our Open House, where the children will share what we've been learning with the congregation.
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