Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Coming of Age Challenge

Our Coming of Age youth and their mentors challenged themselves at Camp Seymour's Ropes Course.  We practiced team work and encouraged each other to face fears.  We were very happy to not have rain!

Cardboard Challenge

All ages had a great time at the cardboard challenge golf course built by our youth group!  Thank you to Aaron Lund and the middle school and high school youth for organizing this fun family event.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First Sundays: Worship and Fellowship

On the first Sunday of each month, our children and youth gather together for worship, either with the adults in the sanctuary, or in the Lighthouse building for chapel time.  This month, we all gathered in the sanctuary.  The children and youth accompanied the choir, dancing a Celtic dance while the choir sang the song "Touch the Sky" from the movie Brave.  
After worshipping together, we enjoye a potluck lunch.  This month's potluck had a special addition--the youth group bake sale.  
The youth group's fundraiser helps our youth afford to attend conferences and other events with Unitarian Universalists from other congregations, making connections outside of our church walls. 
We really enjoyed the yummy things at the bake sale, and the potluck!