Monday, August 4, 2014

Saving Trees

by Saphronia Young
(in honor of Dr. Seuss Summer)
Would you save a life if you could?
Have you ever thought that maybe you should?
Even if you're little, I bet you are strong!
Ivy kills trees, and I think that is wrong.

The ivy was brought here from far far away
and the people who did that weren't thinking that day!
The ivy chokes trees and doesn't care if they die
When I think about that, I almost could cry.

But although you are little I know you are smart
I know you have courage and a loving big heart
I know you will help at least one tree to survive
We can take out the ivy and let that tree thrive.

You could pull the vine away from the tree
Your partner could clip all the ivy you see
Together you can do what alone we cannot
You could save a tall tree and then...adopt!

Walk down the path seeking your tree
Find one that is smothered with English ivy
Pull the vine away from your tree's girth
Clip once at your shoulder, and again by the earth.

Give your tree a six-foot ring around
A survival ring where no ivy is found
Check it each week that you possibly could
Take care of your know that you should.

You could hug your tree and give it a name
Draw a picture of her and put in a frame
Tell your tree that she's lovely and want her to grow
Let your tree feel cared for - I think she should know.


Daniel, Lisa and Owen said...

Your poem is beautiful, Saphronia. It brought tears to my eyes. What a special message to our children...and us adults.

Jean said...

Saphronia, You have perfectly captured Dr. Suess' style and manner of imparting a deep lesson in a happy and caring way. And how wonderful to see some activity again on that killer Ivy on our church property
!!! Thank you.