Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Helping Others

Today the Explorer's Class made chalice cookies that the Caring Team will include in care packages being sent to recent graduates.  One of the important things we do at our church is care for others and give service, both to people within our congregation and to people in the wider community.

Want to make chalice cookies at home?  Here is the recipe we used:  http://tressabelle.wordpress.com/2013/01/06/uu-chalice-cookies/
We didn't have a chalice shaped cookie cutter, so improvised with a half-moon and a triangle (with red-hots for the flames).

The Middle School class also learned about helping others.  Children and Youth will trick or treat for UNICEF in the sanctuary following the service on October 27.  All are encouraged to come for costume.  If you child would like to trick or treat for UNICEF at home, we will have extra boxes available to take home.  Read more about trick or treat for UNICEF at http://www.trickortreatforunicef.org/

1 comment:

Ellie Peterson said...

Ooh, Carter and I may have to make those chalice cookies for X-mas this year!