Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Moving and Growing

This Sunday, our children and youth were busy exploring different ways living things move and grow. The youth group tried out some yoga positions.

Our nursery children enjoyed "growing" bubbles outside on the porch.

Our preschool class learned about how butterflies change and grow during their lifetimes, then made egg carton caterpillars.
The elementary class made origami flower pots and watering cans to help plant grow.

Here are a few ideas for extending the learning at home:

Try out some yoga positions!  Katie Hardin teaches a class at Saltwater Thursday evenings at 6:30.

Watch nature shows, such as PBS Nature, Planet Earth, or Life.  Many wonderful videos show metamorphosis in time-lapse photography.  On YouTube watch Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle or Frog Life Cycle

Make time each week to go for a nature walk with your family, even if it's only to your own backyard.  Find ways to nurture your family's sense of wonder every day.

Talk about ways your family can engage with the UUA 2011 Statement of Conscience on Ethical Eating. There are many ideas and resources in the Ethical Eating Study Guide and the Ethical Eating blog.

Tour a local community garden, or plan a trip to a CSA (community supported agriculture) farmer in your area.  Learn more at the Local Harvest website. Plant a garden at home, or in a community garden. Spend time in the garden during every season to help your family live in harmony with the rhythms of life.

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