Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Dreams

For our village class this Sunday, we heard the story of two heroes:  Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and their efforts to make a more peaceful, fair, free world.  

  After the story, we talked about our own dreams--dreams for others, dreams for the future, dreams for ourselves.
My dream is a monster hiding in a cave.--Jack

A monster snowflake that hurts the meany heads.--Max

My dream is to have a pony when we get a farm.--Lexi

My dream is that everyone will be nice to everyone else.--Sasha

Last night I dreamed I was in outer space and a comet went past.  Out of nowhere a star appeared in front of me, and all these little stars around it.--Izzy

A big snowflake falling on the ground and the sun came up and melted it away.--Aidan

My dream is that police officers will stop killing innocent people.  No more guns!--Crissy

My dream is that people will use garbage instead of gas to power their cars.--Jonathan

My dream is people playing together.--Luis

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