Many English speakers are familiar with the Sanskrit word karma. It is often used to encapsulate the idea that "what goes around comes around." This explanation does not contain the entire story. A more complete understanding of the word is brought to life in the stories known as the Jataka Tales, which tell of the 550 lives of the Buddha before he reached Enlightenment. Each story contains a life lesson, often told with humor, and a reminder that one's karma is bound to one's actions. While karma is sometimes used interchangeably with "fate" and "destiny," it is not quite the same. If someone has led a life filled with kindness and generosity, they will have earned good karma, and be rewarded in their next life with comfort or ease. If they have been miserly, cruel, or greedy, they may find it will take several lives of hardship and many lifetimes of kindness and generosity to pay back the debt to their karma.
(From Picture Book World Religions, by Katie Tweedie Erslev)

As part of our study of Buddhism, Treasure Hunters and Explorers learned two Jataka tales this week. The Treasure Hunters heard the story of the Brave Little Parrot. A small parrot worked tirelessly to put out a fire that was harming the homes and lives of others. The king of the gods is inspired by his valiant efforts and sends the rain. We may underestimate our ability to help others, but our efforts may inspire greater forces to come to our aid.
Treasure Hunters show off their brave little parrots |
Buddhism considers all of life to be evolving toward higher consciousness. Buddhism considers non-human life to be Divine just as is human life. All of life is seen to be one. According to this conviction, to harm any living thing is to do injury to the One Eternal and Divine Life. In the Japanese culture, association with animals is seen to be a very important experience for children because it teaches them the joy of protecting innocence. Imagine what would happen if all the children of the world found happiness in graciously protecting life, preserving freedom, and delighting in the happiness of others. Children who are raised with such a loving and protective attitude towards animals are seldom cruel to them as adults, and thoughtfulness and kindness spill over into their interaction with all of life.
(From Picture Book World Religions, by Katie Tweedie Erslev)

The Explorers Class heard the story of the Banyan Deer. The Buddha, during a lifetime as king of a herd of deer, sacrifices himself to save the life of a pregnant doe. His selflessness inspires the king of the humans, who have been hunting the deer, to call off the hunt, not only for the deer, but for all living creatures.
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Explorers with their model of the stockade in the story of the Banyan Deer.![]() |
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in protecting and honoring life, and doing what we can to help to heal the world. We also believe in celebrating together, to have fun and to share the happiness of being alive.
Today the Discovery Class danced together to different kinds of music. It was a very joyful experience!