Today was our open house, a time for our children and youth to share what they have been doing and learning in their classes this year.
Discovery Class shared some of the stories they have enjoyed from our six sources: wonder and awe, words and deeds of prophetic men and women, wisdom from the world's religions, Jewish and Christian teachings, science and reason, and earth-centered traditions.
Treasure Hunters have enjoyed stories from different religions, created their own stories, and developed ideas about what God is.
Trail Blazers have considered big religious questions, explored how different religions answer these questions, and considered what their own answers to these questions are.
Explorers learned about different religious traditions. Today they shared a trail mix activity, where visitors could mix together a snack representing which traditions influence their own beliefs.
The middle school youth have learned about world religions through visiting places of worship in our community. They shared a Jeopardy-style trivia game with facts about different religious traditions, as well as some of the religious practices they have learned about.
A big thank you to all of our children, youth, and their teachers for sharing their learning with our community!