Everyone was happy to get back to their classes today after the winter holidays.
The middle school youth read the story of the Good Samaritan and talked about helping others.
The Explorers began a study of the story of Moses.
They dressed up in costumes to act out key scenes from the story.
The Treasure Hunters reviewed some of the stories they have heard so far this year, and related them to the five questions: Who decides what is right and true in life? What is sacred or holy? What are people like? How should we live our lives? and What is church for?
One reason people come to church is to find a light inside of them and keep it burning. The Treasure Hunters acted out this idea by making an obstacle course with their bodies and taking turns navigating the obstacles while carrying a light.
The Discovery Class heard a story about the 7 promises we make to one another as Unitarian Universalists (our seven principles).
During their choice time, the children made posters of the seven promises, and explored other activities in the classroom.
Welcome back to class!