Monday, September 24, 2012

Promises, Knowledge, Love, and Reason

Unitarian Universalists are guided by 7 principles.  Our principles are promises that we make to one another about how we will be in community with one another and with the whole world.  
Today the Discovery class heard the story of our promises.  
Each promise is represented by a different color of triangle.
Red = Respect all people.
Orange = Offer fair and kind treatment to all
Yellow = Yearn to learn about ourselves, each other, and the mystery
Green = Grow by exploring what is true and right
Blue = Believe in our ideals and act on them
Indigo = Insist on freedom, justice, and peace for all people
Violet = Value our earth, the home we share with all living things

Our older classes heard the story of Adam and Eve today.  The Explorers class talked about the idea of whether knowledge is always a good thing, and times when we may have found out something we wish we hadn't known.  We read the story of Adam and Eve from the bible, and talked about whether we think curiosity is good or bad, why God may not have wanted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, and why God might have put the tree there if he didn't want them to eat.  

Explorers class enjoy an enticing snack of apples.
The Treasure Hunters heard the story of Adam and Eve's First Sunset.  In this
story about a story in the Bible, Adam and Eve don’t know what to do to stop the sun
from disappearing. They are afraid. Then they try something – making a fire! It keeps
them warm. Finally when morning comes they are filled with thanks and say a prayer.
We Unitarian Universalists seek what is true. When we don’t know what is happening we
try to understand using our love and our reason.

In the story, Adam and Eve blessed each day and each night.The children made little books of prayers and blessings to show thanks for days and nights and meals. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Introducing This Year's Classes

The Treasure Hunters class made this welcome sign for their classroom.

This year our classes for children and youth will be learning about our Jewish and Christian Heritage. Classes will examine the strong relationships of these traditions to our faith and our culture. We will investigate our Jewish and Christian roots in the context of Unitarian Universalism through study of biblical stories, figures, and events in both the Jewish and Christian scriptures.

Examining a model of a Torah Scroll
Our middle school youth will be exploring the life and teachings of Jesus. Today they looked at different pictures of Jesus and wondered about what he may have looked like and what his life was like.
The Middle School Class brainstormed things they have heard about Jesus.

The Explorers class will explore the theme of covenant this year through their study of Hebrew scriptures.
Today they created a class covenant, and learned about the Ark of the Covenant. All ideas on how we should treat one another were put into the box, and then discussed and agreed upon.

The Discovery class learned about each other and their classroom. They learned a new song, and then enjoyed exploring different activities.

It was a busy day in the Lighthouse. Welcome all to a new year!